City Sensing

By: Mindit Eriyadi, Suhono Harso Supangkat, Fadhil Hidayat

Digitalization and the Internet of Things (IoT) are increasingly assisting cities in improving quality of life. To understand the phenomenon, it is necessary to study city sensing 9 capabilities from the hyperlocal to the city scale, interconnection of sensing at various levels, and difficulties associated with managing innovations based on IoT data and devices. Using city sensing technology, local governments and policymakers can better comprehend the requirements and challenges of urban areas, resulting in more efficient and effective decisionmaking. For instance, data on traffic patterns can inform the development of transportation infrastructure, while data on air quality can contribute to pollution-reduction policies. City sensing and data analytics can positively affect Indonesia by providing valuable insights into urban life, facilitating more efficient and effective decision-making, enhancing the quality of life, and fostering innovation and economic growth. However, several issues remain and must be addressed during the implementation of digital city sensing.

Current issues include:
a. Data quality and accuracy
City digital sensing requires large volumes of data to be collected and analysed in real-time. However, the quality and accuracy of this data can be compromised by factors such as sensor malfunction, environmental factors, and data transmission errors.

b. Data privacy and security
The collection and use of data by city digital sensing systems raise concerns about data privacy and security. There is a risk that the data collected are used in ways that violate people’s privacy or accessed by unauthorized individuals.

c. Interoperability and standardization
City digital sensing systems may use different sensors and data formats, making it difficult to integrate and analyze data from different sources. Interoperability and standardization are essential for effective data sharing and analysis.

d. Cost: Implementing and maintaining city digital sensing systems can be expensive. Cities must invest in the infrastructure and technology needed to collect, store, and analyze data and train staff to use and interpret the data.

e. Citizen participation and engagement:
City digital sensing systems can be more effective when citizens are actively involved in the collection and analysis of data.

However, encouraging citizen participation and engagement can be challenging, and cities must find ways to motivate and educate citizens to participate.