Cognitive City Platform as Digital Public Infrastructure for Developing a Smart, Sustainable and Resilient City in Indonesia

By: Okyza Maherdy Prabowo, Suhono Harso Supangkat, Eueung Mulyana, I Gusti Bagus Baskara Nugraha

In conjunction with the rapid pace of urbanization, cities across the globe are encountering several issues about environmental management, social welfare, and economic growth. These issues led to the development of the smart city concept. The notion of a smart city encompasses the integration of human beings as valuable social entities, engaging with infrastructure and technology to foster economic development within a conducive environment. The concept of a smart city is to establish a cohesive and interlinked system wherein individuals, technology, and the environment coexist harmoniously to foster economic advancement, environmental sustainability, and an enhanced standard of living for all inhabitants

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Digital Twin for Roads and Bridges

By: Suhono Harso Supangkat, Fadhil Hidayat, Agustinus Bambang Setyadji, Taqia Rahman (UGM), Mukhammad Rizka Fahmi Amrozi (UGM), Sony Hartono Wijaya (IPB), Sri Wahjuni (IPB), Reyes Garcia (University of Warwick), Irwanda Laory (University of Warwick), Ayu Latifah, Ahmad Ali Hakam Dani, Noor Falih, Yusuf Ayuba, Iswandaru Widyatmoko (AECOM)

Research on Digital Twin technology for road and bridge infrastructure has emerged due to several compelling reasons. Roads and bridges are integral to our daily lives and economic progress. However, the increasing complexity of this infrastructure brings challenges related to efficient monitoring, maintenance, and development. It is crucial to enhance our approaches to managing and maintaining these vital components to maximize their benefits for society and the economy. This research is the result of collaboration between several prestigious institutions both in Indonesia and abroad, including Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), and Warwick University in the United Kingdom. Each researcher contributes their expertise in their respective fields to produce high-quality research in the development of this technology.

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Artificial Intelligence for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

By: Hastie Audytra, Suhono Harso Supangkat, Harkunti Pertiwi Rahayu

Disasters have a significant impact on communities, causing damage to infrastructure, loss of life, and displacement of people. In Indonesia, according to UU No. 24 year 2007 Article 5, the Government and local governments are responsible for disaster management. Therefore, the Government established the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB). But there are some of the potential limitations of BNPB could include:

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Smart Football: Integrated System for Analyzing Match and Players provided in Dashboard

By: Steve Immanuel Harnadi, Zachrandika Alif Syahreza, M. Ibnu Syah Hafizh, Parnaek R. Siagian, Gian Denggan Bendjamin, Thomas Stefen Mardianto, Suhono Harso Supangkat

Indonesia, as the one of biggest country in South East Asian region, has lots of potential players playing in football’s national team. Nevertheless, the football’s national team achievement still needs lots of improvement because current Indonesia’s FIFA world ranking is only in 149th from total 200 countries joining FIFA federation. The ranking’s position is overally still under another teams from South East Asian region such as Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, or even Malaysia. Hence, according to the background, we develop the project to contribute for football’s national team development as Integrated System for analyzing match in Indonesia overally and also player’s performance.

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City Sensing

By: Mindit Eriyadi, Suhono Harso Supangkat, Fadhil Hidayat

Digitalization and the Internet of Things (IoT) are increasingly assisting cities in improving quality of life. To understand the phenomenon, it is necessary to study city sensing 9 capabilities from the hyperlocal to the city scale, interconnection of sensing at various levels, and difficulties associated with managing innovations based on IoT data and devices. Using city sensing technology, local governments and policymakers can better comprehend the requirements and challenges of urban areas, resulting in more efficient and effective decisionmaking. For instance, data on traffic patterns can inform the development of transportation infrastructure, while data on air quality can contribute to pollution-reduction policies. City sensing and data analytics can positively affect Indonesia by providing valuable insights into urban life, facilitating more efficient and effective decision-making, enhancing the quality of life, and fostering innovation and economic growth. However, several issues remain and must be addressed during the implementation of digital city sensing.

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Development of a Smart City Platform Based on Digital Twin Technology for Monitoring and Supporting Decision-Making

By: Ahmad Ali Hakam Dani, Suhono Harso Supangkat, Fetty Fitriyanti Lubis, I Gusti Bagus Baskara Nugraha, Rezky Kinanda, Irma Rizkia

Information and communication technology’s role in developing smart city platforms has allowed cities to grow smarter in recent years. In order to develop a smart city platform, digital twin technology can be implemented to monitor and simulate the city’s conditions. Furthermore, it can function as a precise decision-support system. Digital twins can be combined with augmented reality technology to develop a smart city platform. The combination of these two technologies aims to visualize data for monitoring and simulating conditions in a city. The primary concern about the necessity of a digital twin platform in smart cities pertains to creating a robust digital twin-enabled smart city platform that can efficiently monitor urban conditions and provide significant insights for decision-making. Hence, this research aims to develop a smart city platform with digital twins as its foundation.

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Process Identification Framework for Robotic Process Automation

By: Noor Falih, Suhono Harso Supangkat, Fetty Fitriyanti Lubis

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a business process automation and is seen as a technological innovation in the field of computer science and information technology. Its main objective is to replace human tasks with virtual workforce or digital workers that perform the same tasks as humans with the assistance of software robots. For companies that will implement RPA, one of the main challenges is to understand where to apply RPA. Identifying processes for RPA is crucial to ensure that RPA is used appropriately and makes a positive difference to the business. By identifying processes, complex tasks that are not suitable for automation using RPA can be eliminated.

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Mobility as a Service: A Problem and Research Opportunities

By: Yusuf Ayuba, Suhono Harso Supangkat, Sony Sulaksono Wibowo

Contemporary urban transportation networks are currently confronted with significant and unparalleled challenges. The phenomenon of population growth, urbanization, and evolving mobility patterns has resulted in the exacerbation of urban challenges, including but not limited to traffic congestion, environmental degradation, and disparities in transportation resource availability. The situation has been further aggravated by the rise in private vehicle ownership, resulting in heightened traffic congestion, escalated air pollution, and suboptimal allocation of transportation resources. The field of urban transportation need an innovative, sustainable, and inclusive solution to address the aforementioned issues.

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Smart Campus

By: Radiant Victor Imbar, Suhono Harso Supangkat, Armein Z. R. Langi, Arry Akhmad Arman

Currently, the world is entering the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 which moves the world towards a new technology-based ecosystem. The term “smart” is widely used in various fields especially in areas related to Information Technology as smart systems, both for smart city, smart building, even smart campus.

The current challenge for Higher Education (PT) is how to use information technology in the world of education so that it can increase efficiency and how PT can adapt to the industrial revolution 4.0 in order to increase competitiveness against competitors and attract prospective students so they can survive amidst disruption and high competition.

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Value of Smart City Services in Improving the Quality of Life

By: Iqbal Santosa, Suhono Harso Supangkat, Arry Akhmad Arman

Many cities are competing to become smart cities by utilizing smart city services. Smart city services are services that collect information about the main functions of the city; and provide collected information as is or integrated, through smart city infrastructure, etc. Smart city concern on innovation –not necessarily based on the information and communications technologies (ICT)–, which aim to enhance urban performance in terms of people, governance, mobility, economy, environment and living. So smart city services can be ICT-based or non-ICT based that focus on improving the quality of life.

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